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Welcome to Right Steps ®
Boutique Preschool and Childcare Center
Childcare Center In Rittenhouse, PA
Every parent wants the best for their child care and schooling. They want programs that help foster and build their cognitive development and get them ready for organized education and all that entails. Finding the right daycare environment for your smaller children and a supportive and nurturing environment when they enter preschool is essential for their ongoing academic success. Right Steps® Education is here to help your children!
In Rittenhouse, PA, our childcare center focuses on providing the care children need from the beginning of their nursery care through kindergarten and beyond. Our facilities help children in Churchville, Richboro, and Philly Proper!
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Build Cognitive Development
From the time they’re born well into their academic years, children absorb the world around them and learn how to interact with it. Providing a nurturing environment where children can further build their cognitive development will help them hit the developmental milestones they should reach before diving headfirst into organized school activities.
Our childcare center in Rittenhouse, PA, has helped countless children build a strong educational foundation for their future by assisting them to continue their overall cognitive development. Starting with our nursery care programs and up to our after-school programs for children up to 12 years old, we believe that putting children in the best position to succeed starts with creating the right environment to learn and grow!
Build Language Development
As infants continue to grow into little independent toddlers, helping them better communicate with their families, peers, and teachers becomes essential. Our childcare center in Rittenhouse, PA, helps children focus on the language and communication skills they need to interact with their family and peers effectively as they get older. By providing children the opportunity to build their language development further, our expertly trained staff interacts with your infants and toddlers daily to help with their burgeoning language skills.
Build Motor Skills
An essential portion of our child and nursery care programs focuses on your child’s gross and fine motor skills. Giving them the opportunity to build their motor skills through supervised playtime with their peers can become the avenue they need to hit the necessary developmental milestones.
Keeping your child on a steady developmental track will help them be better prepared for the rigors of more organized schooling. Once they finish nursery school and move onto preschool and kindergarten, they begin to spend more time with people outside of their immediate family. Ensuring they have a combination of motor and social skills developed by the time they hit their preschool years means they will be better equipped to handle the transition.
Build Study Skills
After your child moves on from our nursery school program and into the world of preschool, kindergarten, and beyond, homework and testing will become more of a priority. However, you don’t have to wait for their first big test to show them the importance of studying. The staff of our Rittenhouse, PA, childcare center can help build essential study skills for your children as they move up the educational ladder and put them in a better position to succeed.
In Rittenhouse, PA, our childcare center offers robust program options for parents looking to give their children’s education a boost. Our programs help build cognitive development, language, motor, and study skills in young children to serve them in their future schooling.
Don’t hesitate to get your children into the right daycare and school environment. Contact the Right Steps® Education team to learn more about our Churchville, Richboro, and Philly Proper locations today!
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