Challenge program

  • Right Steps® Challenge Program in Rittenhouse Square, PA

    Right Steps’® challenge program provides opportunities to be enrolled in individual lessons geared toward specific areas of strength in child development. This program focuses on knowledge as well as student skills. Curiosity, advanced language development, logical thinking, analysis, and social skills are valuable components of our challenge program.

    This early childhood tutoring program provides an opportunity for child assessment and progression from beginning to middle and advanced levels. Learning rhymes, poems, songs, and vocabulary is a key component of reading fluency that helps develop long and short-term memory in participants. Visual tools are used to aid in developing students’ imagination. Working in a one-to-one ratio enhances students’ self-esteem and a strong feeling of confidence and independence. Contact us today to secure your child’s spot in the challenge program! Also, check out our arts, fitness, and phonemic awareness opportunities!

  • challenge-programs

  • “Best Education, Nutrition, Best Care for Kids!”

  • Focus on Individualized Learning

    Personalized Lessons for Every Child

    At Right Steps®, we recognize that every child is unique. Our challenge program provides opportunities for children to be enrolled in individual lessons geared toward their strengths. This approach allows early childhood educators to focus on each child’s development, ensuring that learning experiences are both meaningful and effective.

    Developmentally Appropriate Practices

    We employ developmentally appropriate practices to cater to the diverse needs of our students. By tailoring our lessons to the child’s developmental stage, we can foster healthy academic and emotional development and encourage children to reach their full potential.

    Key Components of the Challenge Program

    Enhancing Cognitive and Language Development

    Our program places a strong emphasis on cognitive development and language skills. Through activities that promote curiosity, advanced language development, and logical thinking, we help children build a solid foundation for future learning. Engaging children in learning rhymes, poems, songs, and vocabulary is a key component of reading fluency, which aids in both short-term and long-term memory.

    Promoting Social Skills and Confidence

    Social skills are an integral part of children’s development. The Right Steps® challenge program encourages children to interact with their peers in a positive and supportive environment. Working in a one-to-one ratio with educators helps boost students’ self-esteem and fosters a strong sense of confidence and independence.

    Utilizing Visual Tools for Imagination and Creativity

    Imaginative Learning Through Visual Aids

    Visual tools play a crucial role in our challenge program. These tools serve as aids to stimulate students’ imagination and creativity. By incorporating visual aids into our lessons, we can engage children more effectively and make learning experiences more enjoyable and memorable.

    Supporting Cultural and Social Contexts

    Our program also considers the social and cultural contexts in which children grow. We aim to create a learning environment that reflects and respects the diverse backgrounds of our students. By understanding and incorporating these cultural contexts, we can better support the child’s development and provide a more inclusive educational experience.

    Comprehensive Assessment and Progression

    Monitoring Progress and Development

    A key feature of the Right Steps® challenge program is its comprehensive approach to child assessment and progression. Our educators continuously monitor each child’s development, making sure they progress from the beginning to middle and advanced levels at their own pace. This ongoing assessment helps us tailor our teaching strategies to meet the evolving needs of our students.

    Building a Strong Foundation for Elementary School

    The skills and knowledge acquired through our challenge program provide a solid foundation for elementary school. By focusing on early learning and development, we prepare children for the academic challenges ahead so they are well-equipped to succeed in their future educational endeavors.

    Call Now and Help Your Children Reach Developmental Milestones

    The Right Steps® challenge program is dedicated to fostering the holistic development of young learners. Through personalized lessons, developmentally appropriate practices, and a focus on cognitive and social skills, we create a nurturing environment where children can thrive. Our program not only enhances children’s interests and abilities but also lays the groundwork for their future success in elementary school and beyond. Contact us at Right Steps® and witness the remarkable growth and development of your child through our exceptional early childhood programs.

    FAQs About the Challenge Program

    What is the best age to start tutoring?

    The best age to start tutoring can vary depending on the child’s needs and abilities. Our program is designed for children ages 3-6, as this is a critical period for their cognitive and social development.

    How do I know if my child needs individual learning support?

    There are a few signs that may indicate your child could benefit from individual learning support. These include struggling to keep up with their peers in certain subjects, consistently scoring low on tests and assignments, or showing disinterest or frustration towards schoolwork. If you have concerns about your child’s academic progress, our tutors at Right Steps® can assess their needs and create a personalized plan to help them reach their full potential.

    Is early intervention important in supporting a child’s learning?

    Absolutely. Research has shown that early intervention can greatly improve a child’s academic success and overall well-being. By identifying and addressing any learning difficulties at an early age, we can prevent them from becoming larger obstacles in the future.

    How do you cater to each child’s interests?

    Our tutors take the time to get to know each student personally and tailor their lessons accordingly. Whether your child is passionate about science, art, or sports, our tutors will incorporate those interests into their lessons.

    Can individual lessons help with peer relationships?

    Yes, individual lessons can greatly benefit a child’s peer relationships. By building their self-confidence and improving their academic skills, our students are better equipped to form positive relationships with their peers.


    • Arts Program

      Every child loves to look at pictures! Exposing children at a young age allows children to develop a lasting appreciation of the arts.
    • Fitness Program

      Right Steps ® fitness activities brings a variety of different classes like yoga, gymnastics, dance & music for your child to enjoy.
    • Phonemic Awareness Program

      It is a fun way to learn early literacy with focus on listening skills. Providing a variety of stories, songs, and rhymes for creative thinking in a quality literacy experience.
    • Challenge Program

      Provides opportunities to be enrolled in Individual lessons geared toward the specific strength areas of child development focusing on knowledge as well as student skills.