Summer Camp

  • Summer Camp Program in Rittenhouse Square, PA

    Summertime is a magical period for kids — a time to explore, play, and grow. At Right Steps® Education’s summer camp in Rittenhouse Square, PA, we understand how essential it is to provide an environment where children can thrive. Just like our programs for the school year, our summer camp, available for children up to 12 years old, offers a blend of fun and educational activities, ensuring that your child has a memorable and enriching experience. From exciting outdoor adventures to creative indoor projects, our camp is designed to cater to the diverse interests of all campers. Contact us today to secure your child’s for summer camp — space is filling up fast!

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  • What Makes Our Summer Camp Stand Out?

    Our day camp program is structured to keep children engaged and active throughout the summer. We believe summer camps should be a place where kids can learn new skills, make friends, and create lasting memories. With a variety of low-cost programs available, we aim to make our camp accessible to all families. Our experienced staff is dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing environment where children can feel comfortable and excited to participate in all the activities we offer.

    Before we delve into further detail, here is a general overview of what our summer program features:

    • Social Skills Development – Communication, participation, and leadership
    • Self Respect and Character Building – Responsibility, resilience and resourcefulness
    • Community Living – Caring, citizenship, and fairness
    • Personal Competencies – Self-identity, self-worth, self-esteem, self-respect
    • Social and Emotional Development – Positive environment, healthy food, good relationships

    Benefits of Summer Camp for Children

    Summer camp provides a unique opportunity for children to develop new skills and build confidence. Being away from home in a supportive environment allows kids to grow independently and become more self-reliant. At Right Steps®, we focus on fostering these qualities by offering a range of activities that challenge and inspire our campers.

    Another significant benefit of our summer camp is the chance to have social interaction. Kids meet peers from different backgrounds and learn to work together, form friendships, and build a sense of community. These interactions are crucial for developing communication skills and understanding the importance of teamwork. Our camp experience helps children develop the social skills they need to succeed in school and beyond.

    Tailored Activities for Each Age Group

    We understand that children of different ages have varying interests and abilities. That’s why our summer camp features activities customized for each age group. From small infants to children 12 years of age, we have a program that will keep them engaged and excited.

    Physical Activities

    Physical activity is an essential part of our summer camp program. We offer a range of sports and outdoor games that help children stay active and healthy. From soccer and basketball to swimming and hiking, our campers engage in fitness activities that promote physical health and teamwork. These activities not only improve physical health but also teach children the value of cooperation and perseverance.

    Our camp also features daily exercise routines and fun fitness challenges to keep kids moving. These activities are enjoyable and motivating so that children look forward to their time at camp. By participating in physical activities, campers develop a love for fitness that can last a lifetime.

    Creative Activities

    Creativity is a vital part of child development, and our camp provides plenty of opportunities for artistic expression. We offer a variety of creative activities, including arts and crafts, music, and drama. These activities allow children to explore their imaginations and express themselves in unique ways.

    Our art activities include projects such as painting, sculpting, and collage-making. Music sessions involve singing, instrument play, and rhythm games, while drama sessions encourage children to act out stories and create their own plays. These creative activities help campers develop fine motor skills, improve concentration, and boost self-esteem.

    Educational Activities

    Learning doesn’t stop during the summer at Right Steps® Education. Our camp incorporates educational activities that are both fun and informative. We offer science experiments, nature exploration, and reading sessions that keep children’s minds active and engaged.

    Our science experiments spark curiosity and encourage critical thinking. Nature exploration activities teach children about the environment and the importance of conservation. Reading sessions provide a quiet time for campers to enjoy books and improve their literacy skills. These educational activities allow children to continue to learn and grow even during the summer months.

    Summer Camp Safety Measures

    Safety is our top priority at Right Steps® Education. We have implemented comprehensive safety measures, guaranteeing that all campers are protected while enjoying their summer camp experience.

    Safety Protocols

    Our safety protocols help prevent accidents and create a secure environment for all children. These include regular safety drills, thorough equipment checks, and strict supervision of all activities. We also provide safety training for our staff to handle any potential issues effectively.

    In addition, we enforce strict hygiene practices to maintain a clean and healthy camp environment. This includes regular handwashing, sanitizing equipment, and encouraging good personal hygiene among campers. Our goal is to create a safe and healthy space where children can enjoy their summer activities without worry.

    Strict Staff-To-Child Ratio

    To ensure that each child receives the attention and care they need, we maintain a strict staff-to-child ratio. Our staff members are highly trained and experienced in working with children, and this ratio allows them to provide personalized attention to each camper.

    This ratio also enables our staff to closely monitor all activities and respond quickly to any issues that may arise. With a low staff-to-child ratio, every child remains safe, happy, and engaged throughout their time at camp.

    Measures in Place for Emergencies

    We have comprehensive emergency procedures in place to handle any unexpected situations. Our staff is trained in first aid and CPR, and we have emergency supplies readily available. We also have clear communication protocols to quickly notify parents in the event of an emergency.

    In addition, we conduct regular safety drills to ensure that both staff and campers are prepared for any emergency. These drills help children understand what to do in case of an emergency so everyone remains calm and safe.

    Organic Meals and Snacks

    Nutrition is a key part of our philosophy. We provide organic meals and snacks to keep campers fueled and healthy throughout the day. Our meals are carefully planned to ensure they are both nutritious and delicious. We believe that healthy eating habits start early, and we encourage children to enjoy a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Our meals are free from artificial additives and preservatives, ensuring children receive wholesome, natural food.

    In addition to our nutritious meals, we also allow campers to bring their own snacks. This gives children the comfort of having familiar foods from home while also providing the opportunity to try new and healthy options at camp.

    Above all, we adamantly adhere to allergies and dietary restrictions. Whether your child has a severe dairy allergy or your family has cultural dietary guidelines, we make sure that all campers are accommodated.

    Enroll Now Before It’s Too Late!

    Ready to give your child an unforgettable summer camp experience? Our program in Rittenhouse Square, PA, offers a perfect blend of fun, education, and safety. Why wait? Contact us at Right Steps® Education today and discover all the cool opportunities our camp has to offer.


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  • “Best Education, Nutrition, Best Care for Kids!”

    • Infants

      A nurturing, creative program supporting every unique patterns for development, feeding and sleeping.
    • Toddlers

      Toddler classrooms support learning through sensory experiences that enhance cognitive, language, motor and social skills.
    • Preschool

      Preschool is an exciting time for children as they begin the adventure of a lifetime of learning.
    • Kindergarten

      Kindergarten students are encouraged to be responsible productive members of society by showing them how they can make a difference in their world!
    • After School

      Right Steps ® Provides a unique before and after school learning experience to keep students motivated and focused in a stimulating environment.
    • Summer Camp

      Exciting experiments, engaging activities, playing games, creating music, fascinating facts and fantastic field trips! (Available for children up to 12-years-old)